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2005-06-09 - 10:14 a.m.

It's all about the nights. Daytime I'm fine hanging out on my own it's only in the evening that I got a little batshite crazy.

Anywhoodle, this morning has been fabulous! I woke up to a gorgeous running day (humid, slightly overcast but not raining) so I decided to take advantage of my location and went for a run along the songhees (for my nonVictoria friends that's a trail running right along the water in the inner harbour that starts right by my place). It was fabulous! I warmed up by walking to Spinnakers (a local pub) and then started running toward the houseboats, turned around when I got there and ran back to the ocean point hotel. Along the way I passed a couple other runners and many many dogwalkers who are all very friendly and say hello to everyone passing by. It was the perfect way to start off the day. Came home red faced and sweating - c'mon construction guys aren't I hot?! :)

Now I must get to work writing the introduction to a manuscript I'm working on. Fun! Ugh.

Oh but before I go do that I have to mention that I looked myself up on rate your professor again as my class is now over and someone gave me a bad rating! And it's really bugging me! She (because I'm pretty sure I know who it is) said that I punished them for learning things from the textbook because my exams were based on in-class material - nu uhh, I'm punishing them for not coming to class and therefore not learning the in-class material. She did end it by saying "However, she is nice." So I should feel good that she doesn't totally hate me but still, I'm disturbed!

I've met the first crazy lady in my building! When I was down getting my mail this woman comes running in the front doors slamming them closed yelling "he's trying to take my dog!" I look outside and it is a cop! She doesn't have her dog licensed and was running from the cop to keep him from impounding her dog. Hello Crazy?! So she ran into the elevator as the cop was yelling from outside "I just want to talk to you." Yeah, ok, crazy lady.

I made a boo boo on one of my student's marks so had to go in to school today to try to fix it. Whoops! :) Hopefully that's the only mistake.


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