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2005-06-10 - 10:06 a.m.

So I finished reading the first of my journals yesterday. It was 98-99 so I was 20-21. It was actually pretty fun to read. I only cringed a couple of times at how overly dramatic I was being about things. It was the year my nephew was born so for about a months worth of entries near the time of his birth each entry would start �still no baby.� Until at last the entry that started �I have a nephew!� It was very cute.

I can definitely tell that it was a time when I was trying to find myself, whatever that means. I went through about 3 different friend groups in that short period. It started with me still being friends mostly with my high school friends. Then I was inseparable from 2 boys named Jas and James (I was actually pretty amazed reading through, we must have spent 90% of our time together � I had my own keys to James�s apartment! I remember how important they were to me, I just didn�t remember that we were spending all that time together) and then I got mixed up with a group that was just not a good crowd for me to be hanging out with. They were fun. We partied pretty hard together but they were also heavily into drugs � the one guy I dated had a total coke habit. Why did I ever think that was ok? Luckily, I was too chicken to try anything harder than pot.

But it was also the time I decided to pursue a career in psychology. Yay me. Also I got pretty politically involved at school. Near the end of the journal were entries about starting to co-organize the Conference Against Sexual Violence on Campus that was held in 2000. After my own experience I was all fired up to be involved in something that actually tried to work against it.

And of course there were many many entries about my nephew. I saw him probably every other day for a good year. He pretty much saw me as much as he saw his working parents. That was such a great time. I miss that little baby. :)

But my favourite entry of all came 3rd from the end. When I described planning a surprise birthday party for my brother and how I was trying to organize it with his best-friend Cory. I rant and rave about what an asshole Cory is and how I can�t stand him and can�t figure out why my brother is friends with him. All hilarious because we of course fell in love and he was THE ONE for me for a long time. So now I�m eager to start the next journal that will be all about him I�m sure and possibly all about our break-up which will be heartbreaking.


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