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2005-06-07 - 7:22 p.m.

So much as I predicted I'm having a difficult time knowing what to do with myself in the evenings now that I don't have housemates. Last night I ran some errands and ended up deciding to see a movie at the last minute on my own. Tonight I headed downstairs to try out the gym.

The gym worked. I was alone in there while on the treadmill so I didn't have to chat with any of my overly friendly neighbors. But it was hard to get used to running with the cars driving by underneath me with everyone staring up at me. Spotlight effect anyone? :)

By the time I was done working out and was stretching a couple came in to play pool at the other end of the "leisure room". They were extremely nice and we had a fun chat. It is nice to meet and chat with other people my age in the building. She made me feel alot better about my place too because she was telling me that they had a list of deficiencies 3 pages long for their place. I don't have nearly that many problems with mine.

I've decided that one way I'm going to deal with my unsettled evenings (because I don't feel lonely exactly, I just feel antsy and unsettled on my own) is to reread ALL my journals. I thought that would be an amusing and possibly enlightening way to spend the summer nights (in addition to reading all of Mike's harry potter books). Tonight I'm starting with the first - dated Dec 22 1997. It was a xmas gift from one of my closest friends at the time who I haven't spoken to in probably 7 years?! She was big into writing in journals and thought I would enjoy it too. 8 years later I'm still doing it so I guess she was right!

I fully intend to post some of my entries in here if they are suitably funny/pathetic. :)

Mike headed off today to go home to PA for the summer. He's been a good friend to me this year and I will most definitely miss him. I hope he stays in touch over the summer. But I'm not sure he'll be the type to really write newsy emails and he definitely won't call. Either way, I've gone through enough of these summer friendship separations to know that everything picks up where it left off in september.


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