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2005-06-06 - 3:31 p.m.

Well it didn�t take long for my new condo to feel like home. I got some of my pictures hung last night before having my friends over for my house-warming. I am now the happy owner of 2 new plants and some cute decorative shelves thanks to my sweet friends. It was a pretty chill evening, which I needed after all weekend running around trying to get unpacked. I felt a bit melancholy after everyone left last night. We�d had the �so when are you leaving?� discussion. This is that time of year when everyone heads back home and the University becomes a ghost town. Last year at this time I went through a pretty rough depression at this time and it was only going home myself for the summer that pulled me out of it. This summer I don�t have that luxury. I have to stay here and get my work done. I�m getting serious pressure from my supervisors. So hopefully I won�t be quite so affected by my friends leaving this year. The one good thing is that I�m off to Florida to visit my bro and fam in 10 days. I�ll be gone while some of my friends leave so maybe that will make it less traumatic for me.

I can�t wait to get to Florida. It�s been 6 months since I last saw my nephew and I can already tell from pictures that he�s grown a ton. My bro and I have plans to go surfing a couple mornings and get Spence in surfing lessons so he can come out with us. I haven�t surfed in a couple years, since my last trip to Hawaii, so I�ll probably need some refresher lessons myself. My brother and I get along really well so it will be nice to hang out with him again. And my sister-in-law and I have the same taste in stores so we�ll have fun shopping together. :)

Alright, I need to get back to work re-marking papers from grumbling students (not that they�ll actually get higher marks but I said I�d have a look at them).


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