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2005-11-14 - 3:12 p.m.

So, I think I'm done on here. As far as I can tell my readership has gone down to 1, the lovely Helen in Australia and hon I can just email you/find you on messanger. :)

The thing is, I originally started this as just a pure journal for myself as I found I wasn't keeping up with my written journal but did better on here because I could work on it whenever, instead of having to consistently write in my old-school journal at the end of the day when I was actually at home with it. (hello run-on sentence)

Then a bunch of my friends started blogging as a way to keep in touch and I was like "well, hell, I'm already writing it, might as well send it around." So I did. And that was a great way for people to keep track of me without having to read my once a month, super-long emails detailing all the "wild" and "crazy" stuff I was doing.

But now I've gone back to the joys of writing in my old-school journal and I'm finding this to be more of a chore for little return. People aren't commenting (and that's cool, I don't expect people to comment on everything I write) and my friends with blogs aren't updating as frequently, and I know some of the people who originally were reading aren't doing so anymore. So, what's the point of writing if no one is reading it and I'm not writing it for my own journaling benefit?

And I've kept the whole site a secret from my family and local friends and that feels dishonest given that 97% of the entries involve them.

So, yeah, that's what I'm thinking. Not to say that I'll never update this again, but I think I might start a much more censored blog that I can share with my family and local friends. So if you do happen to be out there reading this let me know and I'll let you know if I end up starting another site or I'll at least make an attempt to email you/put you on my MSN list/update on here occassionally to keep you up to date on what is going on.

And to all my DL friends. I will definitely continue to keep up with your pages. And thanks for all the support over this past year.



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