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2005-11-13 - 2:11 a.m.

So, after reading about Michelle getting new shoes for our trip to Ireland I decided I had to get some new hikers as well. So this morning I headed to the mall. Retail therapy! Bad idea. I haven't been there in like 3 months. Oooh Shiny. So of course in addition to the new hikers (on sale no less) I had to stop in Jacob where I found this fabulous pair of black pants and matching blazer (with shiny beads - shiny!). God, spent way too much money but at least everything was on sale so totally justifiable.

Then tonight was Jodie's post-breakup girl's night out. I had this fabulous plan to be DD which lasted until around 7pm and then I was like "fuck it" and started drinking. hee. Now Jodie has had an obsession with finding the male strippers in victoria. And given that tonight was her night we went a lookin'. Well tonight was ladies night at the boom boom room so after getting our drink on at Jodie's place we headed there and laughed our way though a male stripper and 2 shots. Hee! Seriously, it was so sad. It was exactly what you would think a male stripper in victoria would be like. Hee.

From there we headed to Hugo's where Mel and I were both immediately picked up and Jodie was NOT HAPPY. I don't know why any guy would go for me and mel over Jodie. Seriously, she's gorgeous...and I am so not. I kept telling her that they were just intimidated by her and so went for the ugly friends instead. And I kept telling my guy I had to go and find her but he just kept following me. Eventually Mel got sick so we sent her home in a cab and I gave my guy my cell # and told him I needed to be with Jodie and then she was all upset saying that she'd become a cougar and why wouldn't any guys pick her up?! Oh no! So finally she decided she needed to go home so I got her a cab and then I'm standing in front of hugo's waiting for a cab and I'm like "eh might as well go back in."

Oooh, mistake. So I head back in and my boy finds me and we dance and all is good and then eventually I'm like "huh, how'm I gonna dump this boy and go home?" So I told him I had to go to the washroom and then totally bailed! Hee! Ran outside, found a cab and headed home. I'm really hoping he doesn't call! Heh.

I don't know what it is about Hugos lately but it certainly hasn't been hard to get picked up. It's really...odd to get picked up at the bar. Like I keep looking around thinking "why me? Seriously, there are so many prettier girls around. And I'm totally not going to go home with you so this is kind of a waste of your time." I don't get it.

So tonight wasn't what we were expecting. Like, at all. But we got out and had some girly fun and I'm starting to feel like I'm coming out from under my black cloud. So...yay.

Off to bed.


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